Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Public Meeting

CB5 to hold public meeting on Ridgewood Reservoir proposals

The Parks Services Committee of Community Board 5 will host a meeting with representatives of the Department of Parks and Recreation, who will present the Proposed Master Plan for the Ridgewood Reservoir.

The meeting will take place on Thursday, June 27, at 7:30 p.m. in Pfeiffer Hall at St. Pancras School, 68-20 Myrtle Avenue, in Ridgewood. Enter the hall through the parking lot on the east side of 68th Street between Myrtle and Cooper avenues.

The Ridgewood Reservoir is now part of Highland Park. It is bordered by Cypress Avenue and the Jackie Robinson Parkway on the north, Highland Boulevard and Highland Park on the south, and Vermont Place on the west.

The plan reportedly contains three options for the future of the reservoir. The reservoir is currently closed for a Phase I capital project that will provide new lighting and fencing around the perimeter, resurfacing of a pathway, and construction of a handicap access ramp on Vermont Place.


Since June 24, 2007, when the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation held their first community "listening session", they have been attempting to destroy the natural habitats that have evolved in the reservoirs three basins by any means. If you have followed this blog for 6 years, you know that each time that the city doesn't get the answers that they like, they try a different tactic. If you care about the Ridgewood Reservoir and don't want to see the parks department waste millions of taxpayers dollars on the destruction of an important natural space, please attend the public meeting on June 27th.

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